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Kant e Interlocuções
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Working group dedicated to organizing events, lectures, readings, and discussions on Kant's philosophy and its various modern and contemporary influences, from both historical and systematic perspectives. The group covers areas such as epistemology, ethics, law, aesthetics, philosophy of history, political philosophy, religion, anthropology, and philosophy of science. From a historical perspective, the group addresses questions related to how Kant's philosophy reconfigures and responds to traditional philosophical problems. It also discusses issues related to the development of Kant's critical-transcendental philosophy. Another point of interest is the criticism and reformulation, especially by German Idealists. The group is also interested in exploring various contemporary reformulations, including those by authors who have Kantian heritage.


Research Project


Kantian Perspectives on Social Irrationality

 PROBAL (CAPES/DAAD) | 2022 - 2025

The research project aims to analyze, problematize, and evaluate various aspects of human nature concerning the sources of social irrationality and their potential solutions, as presented in Kant's philosophy and the philosophy inheriting from Kant (especially Rawls and Habermas).


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Membros do Grupo

Group Members


Prof. Dr. Joel Thiago Klein

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Degree and Master in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2008) and Doctorate in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2012), with a doctoral internship at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Professor of Modern Philosophy, Ethics and Political Philosophy at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), where he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He is also a permanent member of the Graduate Course in Philosophy at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He completed his postdoctoral studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich with a CAPES/Alexander von Humboldt fellowship for experienced researchers. Editor of Studia Kantiana (journal of the Brazilian Kant Society since 08/2015, qualis A2). Member of the Board of the Brazilian Kant Society (2014-2018; 2018-2022; 2023-2026). Sustaining member of the Kant Working Group of ANPOF. Associate member of the Philosophy Center of the University of Lisbon. CNPq Productivity Fellow since 2016. Former CAPES and DAAD fellow. His publications include the book Kant and the Idea of a Universal History (Loyola, 2016) and articles published in the main Brazilian philosophy journals (such as Ethic@, Analytica, Kriterion, Veritas, Discurso, Transformação, Dois Pontos, Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã, Dissertatio, Studia Kantiana and Manuscrito) and in important international journals (such as Kant-Studien, Kant Yearbook, Kantian Review, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, Philosophica, among others). He also has several publications in international collective volumes from publishers such as OLMS, De Gruyter, Palgrave Macmillan, Cambridge Schollars, Duncker & Humblot, and Routledge. He has edited 34 journal volumes (Studia Kantiana, Ethic@, Dois Pontos, and Princípios). In addition to his research on Kant's theoretical and practical philosophy (from a historical and systematic perspective), he works on epistemology, democracy, philosophy of law, philosophy of history, and theories of justice. He has supervised 15 master's theses and is currently supervising 6 graduate students (3 master's and 3 Ph.D. students) and 2 postdocs.

Prof. Dr.  Vinícius Berlendis de Figueiredo

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Hold a Bachelor's (1988), Master's (1993), Ph.D. (1999), and post-doctoral degree (2013) in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo. Participated in the cadre training program (1988-1990) and served as a researcher (1990-1993) at CEBRAP. Since 1993, has been a professor at the Federal University of Paraná. Former editor of the journal "Dois Pontos" (2004-2008), secretary-general of the Brazilian Kant Society (2004-2007), president of ANPOF (2011-2012), and associate and full coordinator of the Philosophy area at Capes (2014-2018). Author of three individual books and approximately 30 articles in specialized journals in the areas of Modern Philosophy (with emphasis on Kant), Aesthetics, and Ethics and Politics. Holds a permanent position in the graduate programs in philosophy at UFPR and UFABC.

Profa. Dra. Luciana María Marta Martínez

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Postdoctoral researcher at UFPR. Recently worked as a researcher at the Kant University of Kaliningrad and as a professor at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). Currently serves as the secretary of the Kantian Studies Group of Buenos Aires (GEK) and the journal "Revista de Estudios Kantianos" (REK) of SEKLE, and is a member of the editorial committee of the journal "Siglo Dieciocho." Also, a member of the North American Kant Society (NAKS), the Argentine Association of 18th Century Studies, and the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS).

Dra. Nicole Martinazzo

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Post-doctoral student at UFPR. She holds a bachelor's degree (2015) and a master's degree (2018) in Philosophy from the Federal University of Paraná. She was part of the Tripartite Master's program at the Federal University of Paraná, having studied at the Université de Rennes I (France) and the Université de Sherbrooke (Canada). He holds a PhD in philosophy from the State University of Campinas (2024), with a research internship at the University of Groningen (Netherlands). Member of the Brazilian Association for Eighteenth Century Studies, the Brazilian Kant Society and the UK Kant Society. Researcher in the History of Modern Philosophy, with an emphasis on moral and political philosophy in Kant.

Egyle H. do Nascimento Lopes

Ph.D. student

Research Title: Positive Law and Legal Positivism in Kant and Habermas.

Gabriela Vitória Roberto de Deus

Undergraduate Researcher - Scientific Initiation


Research Title: The Concept of Republic in Kant.

Heloisa Helena Silva dos Santos

Master student

Research Title: The Concept of Republic in Kant.

Indalécio Robson P. Pereira A. da Rocha

Ph.D. student

Research Title: The Concept of State and Redistributive Justice in Kant.

Ivanildo Luiz M. R. dos Santos

Ph.D. student


Research Title: The Concept of Culture in Kant from the Reflective Judgment in the KdU.


João Fabrício Wojciechosky

Undergraduate Researcher - Scientific Initiation

Research Title: The Concept of Culture in Kant from the Reflective Judgment in the KdU.


João Gabriel Coterli Hank

Undergraduate Researcher - Scientific Initiation


Karine Cristine de Souza Barboza

Ph.D. student

Research Title: The Problems of Lying in Kant's Practical Philosophy.

Letícia H. Fernandes de Oliveira

Master's student

Research Title: The Invention of Man: Pragmatic Anthropology as Weltkenntniß according to Immanuel Kant.

Lorenna F. Pereira Marques

Ph.D. student

Research Title: The Concept of Discipline in Kant's Practical Philosophy.

Marina G. B. Back


Master in Philosophy

Research Title: The Concept of Prudence in the Systematic Context of Kant's Practical Philosophy.

Melissa Lima De Oliveira

Undergraduate Researcher - Scientific Initiation


Research Title: The Concept of Possession in Kant's Private Law.

Pedro Henrique F. Ferreira


Ph.D. student

Research Title: From Moral Laws to Political Prudence: Reconstruction and Analysis of a Silent Debate Between Kant and Burke.


Renata C. Cairolli Achlei

Ph.D. student

Research Title: The Expansion of the Concept of the Sublime in the 19th Century by Arthur Schopenhauer.


Tales Yamamoto


Ph.D. student

Research Title: The Proof of the Categorical Imperative in Kant.

Tiago Zúchi

Ph.D. student

Research Title: Menschheit: A Definition of Rational Nature in Kant's Practical Philosophy Based on the Second Formula of the Categorical Imperative.


Former members

Ana Luiza S. Nedochetko

Master in Philosophy

Research Title: Cosmopolitan Right and Legal Cosmopolitanism in Kant


Daniele Aparecida de Lima Taques

Undergraduate Researcher - Scientific Initiation

Research Title: Constructivism in Kant's Philosophy of Law.


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Departamento de Filosofia UFPR

Ed. D. Pedro II, Rua Dr. Faivre, 406 - Centro - Curitiba - PR - Brasil

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